Please Get Marcile Powers Alpha test re-instated!

Please help me: 1. Visit Like the page 2. Check out my digital collectible. Like it. See what it’s features do and give me some stuff you’d like to see it do better in the comments 3. Like it and share it with your friends This is one of the few NFTs on Facebook.Continue reading “Please Get Marcile Powers Alpha test re-instated!”

Peace Offering

When we meet others, is it beyond us to be the first one to offer friendship and compassion?  If we are to achieve a harmonious planet, we must seek first the love in others hearts.  It is easy to be the one looking for the flaws in others.  It is easy to be a critic.Continue reading “Peace Offering”

Self Love

  People often associate self-love with narcissism.  They devalue themselves in order to avoid this sin.  Modesty is a beautiful virtue and so is kindness.  However, loving yourself is the most beautiful virtue of all.  To know that you are worthy of divinity.  To know that you are divinity.  That you are everything and nothingContinue reading “Self Love”

Feminism Minded

The feminist movement was the one of most deserved acts of civil disobedience.  The female, mother energy had become bastardized in the intellect of the modern man.  He no longer looked for wisdom from his partner and life had become solitary and isolated for both energies.  Few carried in their hearts the knowledge that allContinue reading “Feminism Minded”

Mother’s Keeper

I have recently become pregnant.  Throughout all of this, people have been telling me what to do and what not to do.  Not really knowing if they have the best advice or not.  What I’ve discovered is that their is no replacement for what the human body wants.  Many of the things I have doneContinue reading “Mother’s Keeper”

Cresent Sunrise

Our first moments of the day set the precedence for the mood of the rest of our waking hours. When you wake up plan a few moments for meditation. If you are more familiar with meditating, then this can be done within your commute to your daily responsibilities. Starting your day from a peaceful placeContinue reading “Cresent Sunrise”

Solar Flare

The sun is a source of power and energy. It has been used through history in several religious traditions. Today, go out in the sun, find a peaceful space and give yourself 15 minutes for a daylight meditation. Most people concentrate on learning meditation in the dark. Meditation can take place in a brightly lightContinue reading “Solar Flare”


Just as a prism refracts many colors, our hearts refract many emotions. Realize that you are not these emotions. These emotions are a state of your existence. These emotions can flow through you without consuming you. Life is much easier when your concentration is focused on merely being. To obtain the observer state an individualContinue reading “Prism”