Peace Offering

When we meet others, is it beyond us to be the first one to offer friendship and compassion?  If we are to achieve a harmonious planet, we must seek first the love in others hearts.  It is easy to be the one looking for the flaws in others.  It is easy to be a critic.Continue reading “Peace Offering”

Crystal Cities

In the remote areas of the deserts, there are many cities of light or that exist in the astral plane.  There is a whole world that exists within this world.  As you spiritually progress, you will come to understand that you have never been alone on the earth.  There are loving beings existing all onContinue reading “Crystal Cities”

Mother’s Keeper

I have recently become pregnant.  Throughout all of this, people have been telling me what to do and what not to do.  Not really knowing if they have the best advice or not.  What I’ve discovered is that their is no replacement for what the human body wants.  Many of the things I have doneContinue reading “Mother’s Keeper”

Definite Divination

  The ascension is quickly approaching.  Many individuals feel that because they consider themselves an energy healer, shaman or any other title that they are going to ascend.  This is a dangerous point of view.  The ego can become entangle with your spiritual work and stop ascension in it’s tracks. Remember that everyone is worthyContinue reading “Definite Divination”

Jesus Fish

Selfless giving in order to better others is the definition of self actualization.  Self actualization is the ideal personality type of all of humanity.  It seems that when the economy tightens that people are capable of great acts of self actualization or to forget this life philosophy all together.  The lack of leadership that possessesContinue reading “Jesus Fish”