Please Get Marcile Powers Alpha test re-instated!

Please help me: 1. Visit Like the page 2. Check out my digital collectible. Like it. See what it’s features do and give me some stuff you’d like to see it do better in the comments 3. Like it and share it with your friends This is one of the few NFTs on Facebook.Continue reading “Please Get Marcile Powers Alpha test re-instated!”

Crystal Cities

In the remote areas of the deserts, there are many cities of light or that exist in the astral plane.  There is a whole world that exists within this world.  As you spiritually progress, you will come to understand that you have never been alone on the earth.  There are loving beings existing all onContinue reading “Crystal Cities”


A sweet breath of relief. The world is as it should be. You are perfect. Everything is happening in its perfect moment.


I am a child of Earth and meditation. I recognize other cultures may share similar positive qualities as mine. One of those qualities being meditation, positive though or prayer. I am thankful that that my knowledge keeps expanding everyday.