Crystal Cities

In the remote areas of the deserts, there are many cities of light or that exist in the astral plane.  There is a whole world that exists within this world.  As you spiritually progress, you will come to understand that you have never been alone on the earth.  There are loving beings existing all onContinue reading “Crystal Cities”

Feminism Minded

The feminist movement was the one of most deserved acts of civil disobedience.  The female, mother energy had become bastardized in the intellect of the modern man.  He no longer looked for wisdom from his partner and life had become solitary and isolated for both energies.  Few carried in their hearts the knowledge that allContinue reading “Feminism Minded”

The End of The Beginning

American Courage

  Courage is more than bravery.  Bravery is ignorance to the danger one faces with one’s own pride.  Courage recognizes the danger but continues on in spite of risk.  Right now in America we need an awakening of courage more than anything else.  The courage to turn to alternative technologies and energies.  The courage toContinue reading “American Courage”

Solar Flare

The sun is a source of power and energy. It has been used through history in several religious traditions. Today, go out in the sun, find a peaceful space and give yourself 15 minutes for a daylight meditation. Most people concentrate on learning meditation in the dark. Meditation can take place in a brightly lightContinue reading “Solar Flare”


A sweet breath of relief. The world is as it should be. You are perfect. Everything is happening in its perfect moment.


Sometimes when something hurts it draws us into ourselves. The pain becomes internalized. Release this blocked energy and emerge into healing. The power is within you to clear the blocked energy.